Thursday, August 02, 2007

Review: Water for Elephants

Practically everyone had been raving about this book but I think the circus setting kept putting me off. My local book group chose it for it's summer selection, so I was forced to read it. I ordered and I was kicking and screaming. Even then I procrastinated. Knowing that our discussion is coming up in a few weeks, I decided I'd better start it and I was feeling guilty about reading everything BUT this book during my breaks and lunch (working with two other members of my book group). Once I started it I COULD'T PUT IT DOWN. I was up two nights past midnight and the third and last night until 1:30 AM finishing the book -- on a weeknight! What a fabulous read. This story of Jacob Jankowski, almost-veterarian who after a tragedy finds a job in this a struggling circus really touched my heart. Perhaps it was because I liked Jacob so much. I really enjoyed the scenes in present day, set in the nursing home where Jacob, now 90 or 93, is living as much as I enjoyed the scenes in the circus. But Rosie the elephant almost steals the show. Since I started reading the book, several others have told me how they have been reluctant to read it because they don't care for circuses. Don't let this stop you. The book is fabulous from beginning to end. I can hardly wait until our book group meets. It's going to be quite the discussion!

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