Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Concert Review: James Hunter - Triple Door, Seattle

We had seen James Hunter on Jay Leno one evening and were blown away by this British singer whose type of singing although bluesy, defies categorization into a genre. I immediately checked Pollstar to see if he was playing anywhere nearby anytime soon and was thrilled to see that he was playing the Triple Door in Seattle on May 16th only a few about a week and a half away. Discovering he had toured with Van Morrison in the 90s only made me want to see him more. This venue is one we'd never been to before but had been told about. Seating only 350 guests, it is a supper club where everyone has an excellent view of the stage. We arrived early and got a table in the front row of seats. We ordered dinner and I had excellent pomegranate martinis while waiting for the music to begin. I had been listening to his CD nonstop since I had bought it so I was very familiar with his songs by this time and was anxiously awaiting hearing it live. I was NOT disappointed. He was even better live than he is on CD. A wonderful entertainer and held the audience in the palm of his hand throughout the two hours he was on stage. He was accompanied by a wonderful standup bass player and double saxophones. I didn't want the evening to end! As we were leaving the venue, at the door, there was the star of the show himself standing there to meet the guests as they were leaving. I grabbed my CDs to have him sign them (including the early CD I had to order from the UK) and took a couple of pictures. All in all a wonderful, wonderful evening.

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